Posts tagged Gentle Mama Holistic Midwifery
Precipitous Home Birth in Her Own Words - Ann Arbor, Birth Photographer

Time seemed to not exist in the moment and yet the intensity continued to crescendo. Peppermint alleviated my nausea and my body began shaking out of my control, but I didn’t feel any pain. In my quiet zone of relaxation, I cycled through hydration, chia pudding, and breathing with a focus on the word peace, all while bathing in a warm feeling of confidence that my body can do this.

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Michigan Midwife, Celeste Groenenberg of Gentle Mama Holistic Midwifery

One of the most unique things about my job as a Michigan birth photographer and doula, is that I get to attend births in all birthing locations including hospital birth, home birth and the birth center births. I’ve witnessed empowered births in all locations, and want to highlight the midwives and birth workers who are doing great work in this busy homebirth community.

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