When Your Birth Plan Changes - Ann Arbor, Birth Photography

Planned Home Birth with Gentle Mama Midwifery, Chelsea Michigan

Home Birth Turned belly birth

Each birth is unique and special, just like each baby. It doesn’t matter how many births you have had, every baby has their own story.

In 2020, I attended Liza’s homebirth with her twins. Her twin birth was the first vaginal twin birth that I had ever witnessed. She made it look easy! When she reached out to me earlier this year about photographing their next birth, I was beyond excited and grateful to be in their space again. Her due month came and I was ready to head out to the birth at a moment’s notice, we all thought it would happen fast. Then her due date came and went, so did week 41 and finally 42 weeks. After trying literally “all the things” - they decided to go to the hospital for an induction for the safety of the baby and Liza. She writes her story in the words below:

“ —- When the “Never Ending Pregnancy” evolves into the “Nothing Goes Right Birth”.
Baby Cole apparently really liked his double wide trailer and wasn’t ready to leave on his 40 week due date. We had a lovely outdoor home birth planned for him and we’re excited to welcome him into our family. We waited patiently. Then we waited not so patiently. Despite my best efforts to evict the little guy, he still stayed nice and cozy in his roomy womb. At 42 weeks the midwives said it’s time to go to the hospital. We hoped a little pitocin would get the party started and help nudge Cole earthside. We made the trip to U of M with intentions of having a quick, natural birth with a little medical aid. After 12 hours of nothing going right and Cole’s heart rate unstable, we finally met our little guy in the OR. My first belly birth baby. It was a wild roller coaster ride and one I would not choose again. Beyond thankful that Cole is healthy and so loved by his many adoring fans who call him Little Brother. —- Liza”

Cesarean Birth Photography
The sky on the night you were born