Michigan Birth Photography, Second Time Mom Has Waterbirth


Michigan birth photography - photographed at the Denver Center for Birth and Wellness.   The sound of the tub filling, and mom stepping into the tub.  She moans as the contractions take over her body, but she stays calm.  Almost zen.  Her husband watches over her with a concerned look on his face - he is there to support her.  But he wants to be sure his wife and son are safe too.  Their midwife sits quietly in the morning light.  Holding space.   Feeling the moment.  This zen moment, she's going to have her water birth in Denver.  Her second son will be in her arms soon.  Things get intense, and the birth center's doula, Jaycie, holds her hand, tells her that this is it, it's time.

Waterbirth at the Denver Center for Birth and WellnessColorado birth centers offer peaceful laboring

This mom was an amazing birther.  She really rocked.  She pushed her son out, dad caught him, she turned around and snuggled him and then lifted her leg over the umbilical cord to snuggle him some more.  I love this look at birth.  I love to see her smile, and that little baby looking up at her instantly.  The way her husband looks at her and the way she looks at him.  It's all in this moment, this amazing moment.

Waterbirth in Denver at the Denver Center for Birth and WellnessColorado Birth PhotographyDenver Center for Birth offers waterbirth for moms

Colorado Birth photography at the birth center

Newborn exam of baby by Shari RomeroBirth photographer captures moment dad holds son for first timeDenver birth center sibling meetinDEnver Center for birth and wellness skin to skin

Michigan Birth Photography