Homebirth with siblings - Birth Photography in Gross Point Park

Sometimes births are just magical. Truly. This homebirth in Gross Point Park with midwives Goldie Parker and Amy Lechtenberg, was full love and sibling support.

Their bathroom was full of kiddos as I stepped into the birth space. Mom was laboring in the tub, the oldest three siblings were in the bathroom with her. They were enjoying some peaceful moments of labor together. Shortly after, the littler siblings woke up and the older kids helped and played with the younger siblings. It was a loving birth space, a sun filled day and a beautiful and full bathroom.

When it was time to push, it had been decided that their 8 year old son would catch the baby. He was very excited about his role in this birth, he was caught by his older brother for his own birth. What an amazing gift to pass onto your sons, the bond they form with their siblings and the gift of normalizing birth to their future families.

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